Stretch And Deepen Your Bond With Your Partner

Do you want your partner to trust you more, to depend on you more?

Why not spend more time together with them, showing them that they can rely on you?

Well, I’ve got the perfect activity for you!

Invite your partner or family member to relax together with you! After all, I’m sure you want to stay fit and healthy with them after a partner workout.

Other than health benefits, this is a great way for you to spend more time with them, thus deepening your bonds with each other.

Without further ado, here are 9 simple partner stretches you can do with your friend to help relax those tight muscles of theirs!


8 Partner Stretches + 1 Solo Stretch

Listed below are nine easy stretches you can do with your friend before or after a workout. So, just grab a friend to assist you and let’s get started.


1) Partner Leg Stretch

This relaxes the hamstrings running down the backs of your legs.

  1. Sit on the floor with your back straightened, legs extended in front of you. Your assistant should be positioned at the ends of your feet.
  2. Have your partner push your feet toward your body for 10 seconds. If you don’t have a partner, you can wrap a yoga strap around the soles of both feet and pulling them toward your body.
  3. Now push against the force coming from your partner for 5 seconds.
  4. Relax and move your toes so they point toward your body for 30 seconds.


2) Partner Backbend

This loosens the muscles in your back and spine, giving them some TLC. It also increases your trust in your partner.

  1. Stand facing each other, making sure your backs and tailbone are straight and place your feet facing each other.
  2. Grab your partner’s forearms, and they should also grab yours.
  3. At the same time, slowly lean back until you feel a stretch in your core. To deepen the stretch, you can also tilt your head backward.
  4. Hold this position for 10 to 15 seconds.
  5. Stand up at the same time with your partner.


3) Partner Hamstring Stretch

This targets your hamstrings and lengthens them to unlock a fuller range of motion.

  1. Lie down on your back, with your partner standing next to your side, in front of your thigh.
  2. Let your partner hold onto your right foot and bring your right leg up in the air. They should push your leg toward your torso while using their body weight to slowly lean into you.
  3. Inform your partner to hold it there when you feel a stretch in your leg.
  4. Hold this position for 20 to 30 seconds, then switch to the left thigh and left foot.
  5. Once done, get up and do the same for your partner.


4) Partner Quad Stretch

This action targets the quadriceps in your legs.

  1. As the person being stretched, lie down on your stomach with both legs extended behind you. Your partner will be positioned near your legs. They should hold onto your achilles heel.
  2. Have your partner gently move your foot up toward your glute, bending your knee up in the process.
  3. Gently push against this resistance for 5 to 8 seconds, and you should feel a nice stretch.
  4. Relax and rest for 10 seconds.
  5. Have your partner repeat the action another 2 to 3 more times.
  6. Switch sides to the other leg.
  7. Once done, get up and do the same for your partner.


5) Butterfly Pulls

This stretches the hamstrings in your inner thigh!

  1. Sit down on the floor facing each other.
  2. As the stretchee, bring the soles of your feet and press them flat against each other, like you’re doing a butterfly stretch.
  3. Have your stretcher hold onto your forearms and gently pull your body forward. Don’t flex your arms as you do so.
  4. Try to push down on your knees so they’re touching the floor, but don’t stress yourself if you can’t.
  5. Hold this position for 15 to 20 seconds, then release.
  6. Once done, do the same for your partner.


6) Partner Arm & Shoulder Stretch

This loosens the muscles in your arms, shoulders, and upper back.

  1. Stand in front of your partner with your back facing them.
  2. Interlace your fingers behind your back.
  3. Have your partner hold your hands and raise your arms straight up towards the ceiling as far as you can go.
  4. Make sure to keep your own back straight as they hold you in this position for 10 to 15 seconds.
  5. Slowly bring down your hands, then do the same for your partner.


7) Partner Calf Stretch

This loosens the muscles in your calves and promotes better flexibility.

  1. Lie down on your belly, then bend one shin up at a 90-degree angle.
  2. Your partner should hold the heel of one leg in place and apply gentle pressure on it for contraction while leaning a bit of their weight onto you.
  3. With the weight from your partner, you should feel a stretch in your calf.
  4. Hold this position for 20 to 30 seconds, then switch legs.
  5. Once done, get up and repeat the cycle for your partner’s leg.


8) Seated Inner Thigh Stretch

This is a good way to loosen your hamstrings and increase range of motion.

  1. Sit on the floor facing each other with your legs spread open.
  2. Place the soles of your feet together against each other’s, and hold hands with your partner. Make sure your hips stay squared and keep your legs straight as you do so.
  3. Have your partner pull your hands toward them, leaning forward as they do. You’ll feel the stretch in your hamstrings.
  4. Hold for 10 to 20 seconds.
  5. Once done, pull on their hands and straighten their legs too.


9) Partner Pectoral Release

This stretch targets the muscles in your upper arms and pectorals.

  1. Stand up facing your partner, making sure that your back is straight.
  2. Raise your arms out in front of you, with your palms facing each other.
  3. Have your partner hold your right elbow with their right hand, and your left elbow with their left.
  4. As they push your elbows out, you should resist against that pressure, pushing inward. Increase the stretch by pushing harder.
  5. Hold this position for 10 to 15 seconds.
  6. Once done, release and do the same for your partner.


Safety Measures

Of course, you don’t want to injure your partner, so keep these tips in mind.

  • Communicate well with each other. If it hurts, tell them it hurts.
  • Go slow and gentle—there’s no need to be so rough with each other.
  • Remember to take deep breaths so you can fully enjoy the movements.

The Takeaway

And there you have it! 8 +1 ways to stretch using a partner and deepen your intimacy while increasing flexibility! Just keep in mind the opposite leg theory, that your left leg is your partner’s right leg if you are facing each other.

While doing these movements, you can talk about how your day went, and ask your partner the same too. It’s the little things you do together that draws you closer to each other, like playing twister.

If you make partner yoga part of your daily or weekly routine, both of you will be able to enjoy a better night’s sleep too.

Most importantly, take part in the stretching experience and enjoy spending time with your partner!


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