Stretch Advice

Attention All Corporate Staffs, Here Are 8 Desk Stretches For Your Stiff Shoulders And Aching Back

Dear Hardworking Employee,


RE: Meeting at 12:23 PM, Stretching Etiquette in the Office

Please be informed that you’re required to attend this meeting in the conference room.

Printed handouts will be prepared.

Don’t be late!


Kind Regards,
HR Dept.


With a groan and sigh, you glance at the clock for the time. 12:08 PM. Great.

Now, you’ve got to scarf your lunch down in a hurry to make it to the meeting.

Tick! Tock!

It’s 12:15 PM. There goes your peanut butter and jelly sandwich!

Tossing your lunchbox into your work bag, you rise from your seat and streeeetch those stiff muscles of yours. You love how refreshed it makes you feel, but you’re not quite amused at the time for the meeting.

Walking over to your co-worker’s desk, you approach them and strike up some idle talk. Before you know it, time is almost up.

You enter the conference room with your other co-workers.

Stapled documents are neatly arranged in front of each chair, and you begrudgingly take a seat near the back of the table, not missing the pop of your hips as you sit down.

The meeting starts, and the speaker begins a slideshow presentation titled:

“8 Desk Stretches That You Can Do While Seated”

With a big smile, the lady says, “Thank you all for attending this impromptu meeting! As Corporation 404’s representative, I’d like to express my sincere appreciation for all you hardworking staff that resemble cogs in a machine! You keep the company running smoothly.”

“Of course, we know that cogs need to be properly oiled. By this, I’m talking about the importance of taking good care of your bodies.”

“I see the stiffness in your gaits, the stiffness in your arms, the stiffness in your necks—everything is stiff!”

“And that’s no good!”

“So, I’ve prepared a list of stretches you are highly encouraged to do.”

“Please take a look at the printouts in front of you.”

She clicks a button on the remote in her hand, and the next slide appears.

“First up, we have neck stretches!”

“Following the written instructions, I’ll show you a live demonstration of the first stretch.”

You can hear the lady inhale as she turns her head side to side.

“Now, it’s your turn! Take a deep breath—”

The room collectively inhales at the same time.

“And turn your heads—”

Everyone turns.

“Good job! And there you have it!”

“Alright, to save time, I won’t be going through the seven other stretches with you all.”

“Stick this handout on your cubicle walls, or somewhere you can see.”

“That way, you’ll remember to stretch regularly.”

“Okay, I know you’re eager to leave, but there’s another section I’d like to cover with you.”

“It’s called, ‘Take a Stroll Around Your Office!’

“Listed there are a couple of tips that all employees of Corporation 404 are welcome to try.”

“Just flip the document open to the second page, yes, there it is in bold letters.”

“Of the three points, I’d like to highlight the last one.”

“Is everyone aware of our standing workstations?”

The room nods.

“Good! Just note that there’s a courtesy time limit for each station. You know, sharing is caring, and there are other staff who’d also like to use it!”

“Remember not to trash the tables; keep the space clean for everyone.”

“Everybody got that?”

The sound of flipping papers fill the conference room as you do a shoulder shrug.

“Okay, good! That’s all then. Meeting adjourned!”

You decide to flip through the contents as you walk back to your assigned seat.


8 Best Stretches That You Can Do While Seated At Your Desks

1) Neck Stretches

Your necks have done a great job supporting your head dutifully as you sit at a desk assigned to you! This is an easy one to do, and it can help you reduce neck and shoulder pain.

  1. While seated, look straight ahead and take a deep breath.
  2. Exhale as you turn your head toward your left shoulder.
  3. Turn back to the front, then repeat the steps as you look to the other side.
  4. Repeat this evenly on each side for about 3 to 4 times.


2) Eagle Arms

Stretch the muscles in your stiff shoulders blades throughout the workday and get your blood flowing again.

  1. While seated, keep your back straight as you bring your arms in front of you.
  2. Cross one arm over the other, then raise your forearms, bending at the elbow.
  3. Try to interlace your fingers together, but don’t fret if you can’t place your palms flat against each other.
  4. Move your elbows toward your head while keeping your shoulders down.
  5. Hold this position for about 10 to 15 seconds. You will feel a stretch running through your shoulders as it washes away the aches and pains.
  6. Return to your starting position and cross the other arm over this time, repeating the steps.


3) Arm Raises (Shoulder Stretch)

This relaxes your sore shoulders, chest, and upper back!

  1. Stand up nice and tall. Raise both of your arms straight up in the air towards the ceiling, then clasp your hands together.
  2. Bend your elbows, making your hands fall behind you as far as possible, pointing your fingers down toward the floor.
  3. Inhale as you look up and push your chest forward. You will feel this stretch in your back, chest, and shoulders.
  4. Hold the stretch for 10 to 20 seconds.


4) Overhead Triceps Stretches

Relax your upper body muscles in your arm and your shoulders with this stretch and increase your range of motion!

  1. While seated, keep your back straight as you roll your shoulders a couple of times to loosen them up. Make sure that your feet are planted firmly on the floor too.
  2. Raise your right arm over your head, then bend at the elbow so your hand falls down, fingers back, behind your head.
  3. Using your other hand to grab the outside of your elbow, gently pushing downward.
  4. Hold this position for 20 to 30 seconds.
  5. Switch to your left arm and repeat this an equal number of times.


5) Seated Cat-Cow

Although this pose is usually done on the floor, you can also do the seated version! Stretch in the front of your desk, making sure your desk is far enough so you don’t accidentally bump the crown of your head on it.

  1. Get into a good sitting position with the feet on the floor. Then place your hands and wrists on your right and left knees respectively and push your chest forward, tilting your head backward.
  2. Then invert the pose by rounding your spine and bringing your head forward so you’re looking down. You should feel the stretch start from your back, going up to your shoulder and neck.
  3. Repeat as many times as you need, but the usual amount is around 4 to 5 reps.


6) Seated Back Twist

Reduce back pain with this stretch throughout the day!

  1. Place your left hand on your right knee, and hold your right hand on the armrest of your chair. Keep both of your feet on the ground, and sit with a straight back.
  2. Inhale, then twist! Turn as far to the right as possible, and you’ll feel the stretch in your back.
  3. Hold this position for 10 to 20 seconds before returning to the starting position.
  4. Repeat this on the other side, turning your head to the left. Do it another 5 to 6 times, alternating between each twist.


7) Seated Figure Four

Although this stretch is also usually done on the floor, you can do it while sitting in your chair too.

  1. Make sure your back is straight and both feet flat on the floor. Then lift one leg up, placing your right ankle so that it rests on your other thigh.
  2. Roll your hip flexors, stretching forward. Push your chest in front and keep your ankle flexed.
  3. Hold this position for 8 seconds.
  4. Switch legs and repeat an equal number of times as needed—usually 3 or 4 times.


8) Seated Leg Raise-and-Flex

This stretch targets the muscles of your lower body, your hamstrings, your calves, and your glutes.

  1. While seated, use your hands and gently pull and lift your right knee up to your chest. Flex and straighten your left leg in front of you as best as you can.
  2. Hold this position for 5 to 8 seconds. You can use your desk for support if you’ve made sure your desk is sturdy.
  3. Slowly lower your right leg and repeat on the other side.


Take A Stroll Around Your Office!

As Corporation 404’s worker, you’re more than welcome to walk around your department!

Here’s a few energy-boosting things you can try to do whenever you feel tired.

  • Get up from your desk to walk around your office—maybe also take a quick bathroom break, or a snack break.
  • Bring your laptops and work at our standing workstations!

  • Stand up from your chair when you have a call to answer, or when you’re having lunch.


This Could’ve Been An Email

To summarize what you’ve gained during the meeting, you’ve received a printout detailing 8 stretching exercises you can do to stretch your sore, achy limbs while seated at your desk. This is to prevent employees from developing work-related musculoskeletal disorders from sitting all day in an office environment.

Management wants you to take care of your body—it’s worked hard to support you all this while, and it’ll dutifully continue to do so! Stretching at least once a day can help to boost your energy.

If you feel pain at any time when moving your body, you are definitely advised to pay a visit to the clinic paneled under your company and seek professional medical advice.

With all that said, it’s time to get up and move around, to stretch!

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