Stretch Advice

Little Known Ways You Can Stretch Using The Walls Of Your House!

Your house acts as a wonderful shelter, keeping you warm and safe from bad weather. And the walls are sturdy too, look at you confidently hanging that prized family heirloom on the built-in shelf!

Obviously, you trust those walls quite a bit.

But is that really all they’re capable of? Just to keep the rain and sun out of your eyes? And your decorations on the walls?

Since they’re so reliable, can you trust them with your health and well-being?

I know, you must be thinking I’m crazy—who thinks about relying on walls to improve your health?

Truth is, there’s a way you can use the furniture and four walls of your house to stay physically fit and active.

Are you starting to see my point here?

That’s right, the walls of your house can act as your support when you do your stretches or physical exercise to improve your flexibility!

How so? Read on to find out.


Safety Measures

First up, it’s always good to keep your safety in mind. You want to increase mobility, not end up with an avoidable injury.

So, here are three tips for you.

  1. Stop immediately if you feel a sharp pain when you stretch.
  2. Take deep breaths—they’ll help with your blood circulation and bring oxygen to your muscles.
  3. Don’t bounce! You might tear a muscle or two in the process. Instead, ease yourself into the position—gently and slowly—until you feel the slight tension in your muscles.

Got all of that?



7 Easy Wall Stretches

Now, for the long-awaited content, here’s a list of 7 easy wall stretches you can do at home, in the office, or in the classroom—anywhere that has a sturdy wall you can support yourself on after or before a workout. It doesn’t matter whether you’ve got lower back pain or not.

1) Hip Flexors Stretch

This targets the group of muscles in your hips known as the hip flexors. It’ll open them up so you don’t feel as tight.

  1. Stand in front of your wall, with your lower back pressed against it.
  2. Scoot and lower yourself slowly, using the wall as your support.
  3. Once your thigh is parallel to the floor, bring your right foot up and place your calf on your left knee.
  4. Balance yourself on one leg and hold this position for 10 to 20 seconds. Remember to keep breathing and don’t twist your ankles!
  5. Rest for 10 seconds, then switch legs.



2) Upper Back Prayer

This loosens the muscles in your upper back, which is where most people feel tightness from not really moving around all day.

  1. Stand facing a wall and make sure your back is straight. You should also make sure that your arms are straight.
  2. Raise your arms up above your head, then bend forward at your waist. Move until your chest is parallel to the floor. You should form a 90-degree angle. (Walk your feet back if there isn’t enough distance between the wall and you.)
  3. Place the palms of your hands on the wall in front of you, then gently push into the wall and roll your hips backward to feel the stretch.
  4. Hold this position for 20 to 30 seconds.



3) Inverted Staff Pose

This is targeted at your hamstring muscles.

  1. Lie down on the floor with your butt pressed against the wall.
  2. Raise your legs upward and place them against the wall. Your toes should be upright.
  3. Slowly, take a deep breath as you spread your legs apart, like you’re doing a side split on the wall.
  4. You will feel a stretch, so hold this position for about 30 seconds to 3 minutes.



4) Shoulder Stretch

This stretches helps to loosen the muscles in your shoulder and arms.

  1. Stand with your side facing the wall, then raise the arm closest to the wall at shoulder height in front of you.
  2. Place the back of your hand flat against the wall.
  3. Slowly turn your body to face the wall while keeping your arm still. You should feel a good stretch in your shoulder.
  4. Now that you are closer to the wall, hold this position for 30 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds.
  5. Switch arms.



5) Extended Side Angle

This is a full-body stretch that will stretch the muscles in your sides, your thighs, your chest and arms—basically, your whole body.

  1. Stand in front of your wall, back pressed against it.
  2. Keep your right heel pressed against the wall, then take a step to the left using your left foot, entering a lunge position.
  3. Lower your left hand down onto the floor before you for support, but keep your back flush against the wall.
  4. Raise your right arm high above your head and stretch it far out as your lean to your left.
  5. Keep your back and your necks straight. You will feel the tension as your hamstrings stretch out properly.
  6. Hold this position for 20 to 30 seconds.
  7. Rest for 10 seconds, then get up and repeat on the other side of your body.



6) Modified Puppy Pose

This modified yoga pose will stretch out the muscles in your back and your chest.

  1. Kneel facing your wall, and bring your arms up above your head, clasping your hands together for a deeper stretch.
  2. Bend at the elbow so your hands fall behind your head.
  3. Place your elbows on the wall and slowly walk them up the wall.
  4. Make sure that your hips are directly above your knees.
  5. Stretch your chest out and roll your shoulders back.
  6. Hold this position for 8 to 20 seconds.



7) Modified Rolling Panda

This stretch will open up the muscles in your shoulders.

  1. Stand up and keep your legs straight, and press your stomach against the wall.
  2. Raise your left arm up at shoulder height, keeping it against the wall.
  3. Raise your right arm up, bending at the elbow and bringing your hand in so it rests just above your right shoulder.
  4. Roll your weight onto your left shoulder as you turn your head and look to the right, pushing away from the wall.
  5. Hold this position for 8 to 20 seconds.
  6. Switch sides and repeat.


The Takeaway

What better way to stretch than to lean on your walls for support?

You won’t have to worry about keeping your balance too much, which means you can focus on maintaining the proper form when stretching. You can also focus your mind on really feeling the tension leave your body, relaxing yourself into the stretch. Feel free to do these stretches two or three times a day to help beat back tightness and pain. Either as part of your fitness routine or individually, you can be sure that these stretches can help with your middle back soreness.

But, do be sure to check with your doctor first if you have suffered from any sports-related injuries before to see whether doing these stretches will relieve your back pain or not.

Why not try these out today and see the results yourself?

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