The 7 Secret Wonders Behind A Dancer’s Flexibility

One, two, three, four— Five, six, seven, there! Up and twirl—six and seven— Two, two, three, four— … You’ve seen how beautiful dancers are, movements as graceful as a swan, twirling around the dance studio. They’re majestic, light and poised as they ebb and flow with the music in dance class. Suddenly, they drop down […]

9 Stretching Exercises For Athletic Individuals

It comes as no surprise that, as an athlete, you know the importance of taking care of your body. Stretching your muscles regularly is a good way to maintain your range of motion and flexibility. Of course, you’ll focus on different joints and muscles in your body depending on the sport you’re engaged in. For […]

Artists! 10 Stretches To Prevent Wrist Injury (And Shoulders)

Hey, you! Yes, you, the one sitting like a shrimp on your chair, hands grabbing your tablet pen and scribbling away at the screen like there’s no tomorrow. Your wrist and hand is starting to cramp up, and your shoulder is no different from a solid rock. That’s not good for you! And your art. […]

7 Easy Stretches That’ll Wind You Down For The Day

Do you find that no matter how much sleep you get a night, you just don’t seem to feel refreshed the next morning? Or perhaps you find it hard to fall asleep, even though you feel utterly exhausted! Fear not, you’re not the only one who feels that way. I’ve got just the solution for […]

Start Your Day With 8 Simple Static Stretches

In the digital era that we live in today, it’s easy for us to neglect our bodies. You know, spending most of our time on the couch with Netflix running. Or even being too busy with household chores and taxes to make time for ourselves. As a result, our bodies are stiff and we’ve all […]

High Kicks: No Longer Just A Dream

Picture this, a pack of bad guys are chasing after you in their sleek, black vehicles. Bullets are flying everywhere, just barely missing your body as you duck into cramped alleyways littered around the streets of Madrid! The one sticking his head out the window of the car is crass-spoken, throwing vulgar cuss words because […]

3 Easy Stretches That’ll Split Your Legs

Hey, it’s New York, the city that has it all, from young and wild fashionistas, to elderly salarymen hobbling across the subway to get to work. Amongst this crowd of individuality, it’s a common sight to see people dropping into splits randomly down the streets for a photoshoot, or for a TikTok video, or simply […]

You Can Benefit From These 8 Full-Body Stretches!

Whether you are an athletic person or not, it’s no surprise that having a daily stretching routine can bring you great benefits in your life. Why is that? Read on to find out the benefits of stretching, why stretching is so important for the motion in your hips, and why you should include stretching into […]

9 Stretches For Your Unique Needs—Sore Muscles, Flexibility, and Relaxation

Did you know that there are many different types of stretching styles? Yes, from stretches you can easily do while seated, to stretches that require the support of a wall or partner, there’s a number of different styles that are designed to help you with different purposes in mind. In this article, I’ve cherry-picked 3 […]