9 Easy Stretches Even Beginners Can Do!

Hey, it’s the 21st-century, and many of us spend our days hunched over in front of our screens—that’s right, I’m looking at you, digital artists! I love your work, and I’m sure many others feel the same way too, but your shoulder pain and cracking wrists tell me you need to take more breaks!

Or, if you’re one of those cool gamers who rarely leave your LED gaming cave—trust me, even the most expensive and fancy padded chairs can’t save you from sore backs and stiff wrists. Periodt.

Unless, of course, the hunched-over look from our classic childhood movie “The Hunchback of Notre Dame” is what you’re going for. No offense, but I doubt you’ll be much of a looker with that hump on your back. And I don’t think you’ll find a real-life Esmeralda to defend you either.

But! Perhaps you’re from neither of those categories, and are about to click away from this article thinking it isn’t for you. Stop. I’m gonna have to hold you right there.

See, everyone can stretch—yep, taking a spin from Chef Gusteau, wink! You don’t have to be some sort of I-took-professional-ballet-classes-as-a-child-so-I’m-flexible-now kind of person to do it.

I mean, even those professional gurus start somewhere, right? Nobody becomes a professional overnight, even if you’re a prodigy!

Just think about all the benefits to be had when you finally treat yo’ selves and give your body the pampering it desperately needs.

Check out these sweet gains!

  • Increases Your Flexibility (yes, you can finally learn how to drop down into a split randomly and wow everyone)
  • Relieves Sore Bodies (oh, you’ll thank me for this one later)
  • Helps With Chronic Pain (gotta deal with pain in this harsh and cold world somehow, no?)
  • Reduces Risk of Injury (we’ve definitely heard our parents warn us to take care of our bodies—we’ve only got one vessel!)

C’mon now, be a dear and give it a shot, why don’t you? It never hurts to learn something new.

Without further ado, here are 9 easy stretches that you can do from the comfort and warmth of your little casita~


Upper Body Stretches For Beginners

Listed below are a few useful stretches you should include into your daily stretching routine. Hold each stretch for 30 seconds unless stated otherwise, and you will surely improve flexibility and soon be able to touch your toes. These stretches are easy to do and are perfect for people who are new to stretching.

1) Shoulder Cross-Arm Stretch

This static stretch loosens the muscles in the back of your shoulders, yes, you know the spot. Right where it gets so stiff after hours at your desk! You’ll feel so much better after this, so remember to stretch regularly as warm-up.

  1. You can sit, or stand, if you want. If you’re standing, make sure to keep your feet directly under your hips.
  2. Bring your left arm straight across your body, horizontally.
  3. Bend your right arm at the elbow and hook it under your left arm.
  4. Using your right arm to support your left, pull your left arm further across your body. You will feel a stretch run through your shoulder blades.
  5. Hold this position for about 10 to 30 seconds, then switch sides.



2) Eagle Arms

No, you’re not going to be flapping your arms, mimicking an eagle’s flight.

  1. Sit on the floor upright and make sure that your spine is nice and straight. Keep your thighs flat on the floor as you sit.
  2. Cross your left arm underneath your right, bending your elbows as you do.
  3. Wrap your arms around each other until your palms meet, kind of like intertwining vines, or just grab your hands.
  4. Raise your elbows to shoulder-height, and hold this position for about 15 to 30 seconds before switching sides.



3) Fingers Up and Down Stretch

Ah yes, you’re probably familiar with this one.

  1. Extend your arm straight in front of you at shoulder height.
  2. Flip your hand up like you’re telling someone to “stop”.
  3. Use your other hand to pull back on your fingers, holding it there for about 5 to 10 seconds.
  4. Then flip your hand downward and pull back on your fingers again for about 5 to 10 seconds too.
  5. Repeat on the other arm.



4) Overhead Triceps Stretch

It’s the classic after-work stretch you’ve seen in movies and series! Try to keep your back flat for a deeper stretch, but don’t push yourself too hard if you feel tension.

  1. Stand, or sit, just make sure your back’s straight. Keep your knees straight and stable so you will not lose your balance.
  2. Bring your left arm up toward the ceiling, then bend at the elbow, so your arm is reaching downward. Try to position your hand as close as possible to the middle of your spine.
  3. Now lift your other arm over your head and grab your elbow, pulling on it and holding for around 15 to 30 seconds.
  4. Switch to the other arm and do it until you feel nice and stretched!



Lower Body Beginner Stretches For Flexibility

5) Standing Calf Stretch

You’ll need a nice, sturdy wall and a measure of open space for your legs to extend backward for this one! This stretch helps you to reduce the chances of getting muscle cramps and can increase flexibility too.

  1. Place your hands flat against the wall and take a step back with one leg. Do not arch your back when you do so.
  2. Turn the toes of your left foot inward slightly, and dig your heel into the floor. Remember to exhale as you keep your foot flexed on the floor.
  3. You can bend your right knee to feel a deeper stretch, or you can shimmy your left foot back a little more until you feel a good stretch. To deepen the stretch, you can bend your front knee so you are closer to the ground.
  4. Hold the pose for about 10 to 30 seconds. If you do it right, you should also feel the stretch in your glutes.
  5. Repeat on the other leg.



6) Seated Hamstring Stretch

This one’s great for people who spend long hours sitting. It is an easier way to stretch your hamstrings if you aren’t the most flexible person out there. You should also feel a stretch in your lower back if you keep your back straight like a ruler.

  1. Sit on the edge of a chair with both knees bent at a 90-degree angle.
  2. Extend your left foot out, keeping your tippy toes pointed up.
  3. Lean forward and look toward the floor with your legs in position, making sure your back is straight. You will feel a deep stretch right behind your knees as you stretch.
  4. Hold this pose for 10 to 20 seconds before switching legs.



7) Front-To-Back Leg Swings

Oh, this basic stretch loosens your pelvic area—meaning you’ll be able to do splits one day if you keep up this flexibility routine! It is notoriously great for improving your flexibility as you engage in a full body stretch.

  1. Stand and place one hand on a wall or sturdy countertop for support.
  2. Balance on your right leg as you swing your left from the front to the back.
  3. Take it slow, keep in control of your swinging leg. You don’t want uncontrolled swinging!
  4. Swing for about 15 to 20 seconds each leg, and repeat 3 to 4 times.



8) Standing Inner Thigh Stretch

Yes, a classic warming up pose that we’ve learned during P.E. class. It works wonderfully at improving your hamstring flexibility.

  1. Stand up with your feet wide apart.
  2. Lunge to your left and bend your knee, keeping your right leg straight.
  3. Hold this pose for 8 seconds.
  4. Switch to the other leg and repeat 3 to 4 times.



9) Standing Quad Stretch

Another classic standing position fitness routine that will help you increase your range of motion!

  1. Stand up straight and place a hand on a wall or table. You don’t have to if you’re confident in your balancing skills. Keep one foot flat and firm on the floor.
  2. Place your right hand on your right foot and bring your right foot up to your butt, and hold onto your foot using your hand.
  3. Hold the stretch for 8 to 10 seconds.
  4. Rinse and repeat on the other leg.

The Different Types Of Stretching And Flexibility Exercises

Of course, this is not the only type of stretching technique you can find out there. For example, you have ballistic stretching and dynamic stretching. Both of these stretches may seem similar as they involve active movement that promotes flexibility and loosens your muscles with each movement. But, ballistic, much like the ball in its name, means you’ll be doing a bouncing movement in your stretches.

When it comes to dynamic stretching, you will be swinging your limbs around in small and controlled movements. Doing so will promote good blood flow and allows each of your muscles to be thoroughly warmed up and ready for you to use them in your exercise routines.

An example of a ballistic stretch would include a bouncing hamstring stretch that you may have often seen sports athletes do before they run track and field or engage in intense sports like football and basketball. A dynamic stretch would include the players swinging their legs in moderately slow clockwise pendulums or drawing circles in the air with their arms outstretched to their sides.

Most people use these stretches to help them warm up or to ease their back pain. When done correctly, you can engage your abs and perform a relaxing chest stretch that really opens up your muscles. You could also do proper stretches that helps you to relax your hip flexor muscles that are taut from endless sitting at your desks. So, get up out there and start stretching with this easy stretching routine for beginners!


And there you have it! 9 of the best stretches for beginners that you may have already known how to do. See, stretching isn’t so hard now, yeah?

Let’s keep those sore shoulders and tight thighs away, ladies and gentlemen! Remember, everyone can stretch!

You can certainly pay a visit to a personal trainer to get some advice, stretching tips, and to find out more about what the benefits of stretching are. They can also help you with starting a stretching routine and get you used to setting time aside for stretches each day.

Feel free to drop a comment down below if you like this list of stretching exercises and found it useful.

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