7 Easy Stretches That’ll Wind You Down For The Day

Do you find that no matter how much sleep you get a night, you just don’t seem to feel refreshed the next morning? Or perhaps you find it hard to fall asleep, even though you feel utterly exhausted!

Fear not, you’re not the only one who feels that way.

I’ve got just the solution for you.

First, put away your phones and screens! You’ve spent hours staring at them, diligently working the day away. The blue light from these devices can cause you to be more alert, so leave the emails for the next day.

It’s now time to rest up for the night, and what better way than to dedicate this time for yourself by doing some relaxing stretches?

Just, be careful not to fall asleep midway while doing these stretches—that’s how comfortable you’ll feel!

That’s right, you’ll sleep like a baby after doing these 7 simple stretches before you turn in for the night.


7 Simple Stretches

We’ll first start with a standing stretch, and then move on to sitting down stretches. After that, we’ll get you into a comfortable lying down position, perfect and ready for bed.

1) Bear Hug

This stretches the stiff and achy muscles in your shoulders.

  1. While standing up nice and tall, wrap your arms around yourself like you’re giving yourself a big hug.
  2. Place your hands on your shoulders, just behind your back.
  3. Holding onto your shoulders, pull it forward and deepen the stretch.
  4. Hold this position for 30 seconds and above.
  5. Relax and rest for 10 seconds, then wrap your arms around yourself again, changing the arm that was on top.



2) Butterfly Stretch

This stretches the hamstrings located in your inner thighs.

  1. Sitting down on the floor or on your bed, bring the soles of your feet together.
  2. Gently, press down on your knees using your elbows.
  3. Lean your upper body forward for a deeper, more intense stretch.
  4. Hold this position for 10 to 20 seconds.



3) Child’s Pose

This yoga pose is meant to release the built-up tension in your lower back.

  1. Sitting on your knees, press your butt down on your heels as you extend your arms forward.
  2. Lower your upper torso down to the floor and let your forehead rest on the yoga mat.
  3. Hold this position for 20 to 30 seconds.



4) Legs Up the Wall Pose

This stretch targets the hamstrings in your legs, aiming to release tension.

  1. Lying on your back with your butt near a wall, bring your legs up and lean them against the wall.
  2. Extend your legs straight up, flexing your ankles as you go.
  3. Remember to breathe in nice and deep as you focus on releasing the tension in your hips and thighs.
  4. Stay in this position for a while, up to 15 minutes.


Pro-tip: You can take the time to wind down for the night, relaxing your mind from the hustle and bustle of the day. Breathe in as you reflect on the things that happened during the day.



5) Side Stretch

This stretches the muscles that run down the sides of your body.

  1. While sitting down cross-legged, raise your left arm above your head.
  2. Place your right arm on the floor next to you for support.
  3. Lean into your right and stretch your left arm in the same direction.
  4. Hold this position for 10 to 20 seconds.



6) Knee-to-Chest

This stretch releases the tension in your lower backs and butt.

  1. Lying down on your back, bend your right knee and bring it up to your chest.
  2. Then bring your knee to the left side of your body, really getting that twist in your back and butt.
  3. Use a hand or two to hold your knee in place. You can also choose to hook your ankle on the back of your knee.
  4. Hold this position for 10 to 20 seconds.
  5. Repeat on the other leg.



7) Spinal Twist

This twist is a great way to relax and loosen up the muscles in your lower back after a long day.

  1. While lying down, place your arms out on your sides.
  2. Bring your right leg up and over your left leg, letting gravity pull it down.
  3. Turn your head to your right for a deeper stretch.
  4. Hold this position for 30 seconds or longer.
  5. Repeat on the other side.


Safety Measures

Do be careful not to accidentally injure yourself though!

It’s alright to take it slow.

Remember that everybody has different levels of flexibility, so it’s not strange if you can’t stretch your legs out perfectly straight or can’t reach over to hold onto your knees.

You can always use a prop to aid you, such as an old towel that you keep near your bedside, or some yoga straps.

If you feel major discomfort in your limbs, or a sudden sharp shooting pain, stop!

These stretches are meant to help you sleep better, not sleep forever!


The Takeaway

Feeling comfy yet? Make it a point to include these stretches into your daily evening routine, and you’ll wake the next day feeling well-rested.

Just remember to be careful not to overexert yourself!

That way, you can welcome a good night’s rest and bid insomnia farewell.

Good night, and sweet dreams!

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